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Privacy Policy

On this page you will find detailed information about the methods Start media s.r.o. Pražákova 1008/69, Brno 639 00, Company Reg. No.: 07872500, as the Controller, uses to process personal data, which subjects the processing relates to and for what purposes they are processed. This page also provides information about the rights data subjects have and contact details in case you have any questions concerning the processing of your personal data.


What personal data do we process

All the personal data we process are used for maintaining business relations and the performance of our supply obligations, for marketing communication with our customers on the grounds of legitimate interests, or for the purpose of employment or recruitment.


If you contacted us via the contact form on our web pages, we process the following data that concern you (for the time necessary to process your request):

  • Name and surname.
  • E-mail address.
  • Any other data given in your message.

Other data (with the exception of cookies) are not stored using our web pages. Cookies are described on the Cookie Files page of the website.


Where do we store personal data?

All the personal data we process are stored in databases at our company’s registered office. Sharing personal data with external subjects (processors) is only possible subject to prior agreement on personal data processing.


Who is our processor

With regards to our company as the Controller, the personal data processors are as follows:

  • Hosting services provider.
  • External providers of marketing services and administration / development of our web sites.
  • Accounting office.
  • Law office.
  • Analytical software providers for anonymised web analytics.
  • Advertising system providers for online promotions.
  • Various system providers for media analysis or market monitoring.


Your rights in connection with your personal data

The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (GDPR) clearly defines your rights in relation to our company as your data Collector. These rights include:

  • The right to contact us at any time and request to know which of your personal data are processed and for what purpose.
  • The right to object against such processing.
  • The right to request that we stop processing your personal data if there are no legal grounds for such processing (e.g. statutory obligation).
  • The right to request that we restrict processing your personal data if there are no legal grounds for such processing (e.g. statutory obligation).
  • The right to request that we update or correct any erroneous personal data concerning you which we process.
  • The right to object against the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to data portability between various providers of the same service (competitors).

The right not to be subject to automated decision-making (machine only) which has legal consequences for you or similarly affects you.