Which cookies used on the website of Start media s.r.o. Pražákova 1008/69, Brno 639 00, Company Reg. No.: 07872500 are generally processed, what is the purpose of the processing and how you can affect which cookies are stored on your device.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files that are, in certain circumstances, necessary for web page functionalities, such as logging in. Cookies enable our websites to remember various settings you have chosen for using or displaying web sites. That is why we store cookies on your computer. It is a standard method for storing the information necessary for running all web sites all over the world.
Based on their duration, we distinguish two categories:
Depending on who creates and processes the cookies (i.e. stores and subsequently uses the information stored on your devices), cookies can be divided into two categories:
Which cookies do we use on this web page
We never use cookies to identify your person and we never insert sensitive or personal data in them.
How can you determine which cookies are on your device
All cookies stored on your device can be deleted at any time. Most browsers also offer the possibility to block the use of cookies on your device. In this case, you will not be able to use all online services normally offered by web sites or e-shops. Click on the link below to learn more about settings and to find out on the providers’ web page how specific browser providers store cookies in your browser.
Another way to influence the cookie settings specifically on our web pages is the CookieBot “cookies bar”, which appears immediately after loading our web pages. You can then choose which cookies you allow us to store and which not. In addition, you can find detailed information about the different types of cookies there. This enables you to make a qualified decision.